BlueCielo Kronodoc 2012 Quick Start | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

Understanding the Documents view

The Documents view appears when you click the Documents tab, similar the following figure. You use the Documents view to navigate the contents of the selected folder, also to list, search, and filter documents and files.

The following table describes each feature of the Documents view.

Features of the Documents view
Number Name Description


Document selection boxes

Select the box next to a document name to act upon that document. Select the top-most box to select all of the documents in the active view.



Absolute path to the selected folder in the active workspace. Click a folder name in the path to show its contents. Click the Folders tab to show a list of the subfolders within the selected folder.


List header

Names of the properties shown in the Documents list. The name of the column upon which the list is currently sorted is shown in bold text. Click a column heading to sort on that column. Click the heading again to sort in the reverse order. The sorting order is indicated by icons: ascending and descending .


Document list

Shows the documents in the selected folder or the results of the active search. If the number of documents is higher than 10, the document list automatically shows 10 documents per page. The system administrator can configure the number of documents shown per page.

Click to view the document's properties. Click the Actions button to show a menu and select a command to act upon that document. The available commands depend upon your active security rights. Commands may also be invoked from a document's property page.


File name

Name of a file attached to its parent document and the size of the file. If you have the rights to view the file, the name is a hyperlink that you can click to open the file in the detail pane. Not all file types are supported.


Version number

Version number of the document. The latest version number is shown in underlined text, prior versions are shown in italic text.


Document count

Number of documents found in the selected folder and limited by the active mode, filter, and keyword search. If the number of documents is higher than 10, the document list automatically shows 10 documents per page. The system administrator can configure the number of documents shown per page.


Document list

Lists the documents contained in the selected folder or the results of the active search, filter, or mode.

9 Actions column Contains buttons that show the Actions menu from which you can select commands to act upon the document in the same row.

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